sexta-feira, dezembro 02, 2005

Latin Lawyer informa sobre 'baixa' na SDE

Rosenberg leaves SDE
Published 1 December 2005 - LatinLawyer

Barbara Rosenberg is leaving Brazil's Secretariat of Economic Law. Rosenberg has been the head of the agency's competition arm since 2003.
Her decision was announced at the IBRAC conference on competition in Brazil. IBRAC is the Brazilian competition and trade law association.
Many delegates were surprised. One delegate says: "We thought there might be changes next year, but not this year". Next year Brazil has a general election.
Rosenberg, 31, says she is leaving for "purely personal reasons". She plans to re-enter the world of private practice, combining client work with some teaching. Her last day in the post will be just before Christmas.
Rosenberg is viewed as instrumental in Brazil's change of enforcement direction. She is credited with re-engineering parts of the regime so more staff were free to work on 'hard core' offences such as cartels.
Those renewed efforts appear to be paying off. Thee agency has at least 40 serious investigations underway, it says. Earlier this year it secured its most impressive fine to date - when CADE applied fines to a group of flint-stone makers that fell near the maximum of what the law allows. The International Competition Network recognised Brazil's success as a start-up cartel fighter when it appointed Brazil co-chair of a key working group on cartel detection.
Scott Hammond from the Department of Justice's antitrust division, who has chaired the working group with Rosenberg and her boss Daniel Goldberg, paid her this tribute: "Barbara has been at the forefront of global efforts to strengthen cartel enforcement . the anti-cartel enforcement community will deeply miss her. But her contributions will leave a lasting legacy."
Within Brazil's competition community, the focus is on where Rosenberg might practice. She was with the law firm Lilla, Huck, Otranto, Ribeiro, Camargo e Messina Advogados pre-2003 and has spent time as a foreign attorney with Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton LLP, working in New York. She is declining to discuss her preferences at this stage. She says: "I will not close a deal with a firm before I leave to avoid any possible conflict of interest."
Mariana Tavares de Araujo, 36, will replace her as director of the competition. Daniel Goldberg will continue to lead the secretariat.